This is Kula Kukonu. She is a senior at Hawaii Pacific University who is majoring in Communication Studies and minoring in Writing. Kula and I known each other almost 4 years and I would like to share a little bit about her.
So here are some of the responses that I got while interviewing her:
1. How did you choose you major?
"I’ve always been fascinated with how we communicate with others since I was a little girl--especially language. I remember when I was in first grade and pondering over the words, “wagon” and “blue.” My mind was trying to wrap up how language assigns meaning to understand our world. In my head I was thinking, “How do we know that blue is ‘blue’? In other languages, it’s something different for the same thing.”
2. Why did you pick HPU?
"I liked the fact that there are small classes, diversity, and many opportunities to interact with international students. Also, her mom is an alumna of HPU and which helped me paved the way for my journey here."
3. What are your plans after college?

Her plans after college is to go back to Ewha Woman’s University in Seoul, South Korea to graduate studies in International Relation.
4. What are some of your hobbies?
Dancing, writing, traveling, eating, ice skating
5. Name three words that describe your personality?
Outgoing, independent, sassy
6. What do you think your friends describe you in three words?
Sassy, confident, “popular”
7. If you were any type of animal what type of animal would you be? Why?
Panda 110% They are my spirit animal, my family. I relate to them on so many levels--clumsy, eat a lot, sleep a lot, loves to play around, and very squishy.
Some of Kula’s hobbies would include dancing, writing, traveling, and eating.
Within her interview I asked her three