The film “Life Ain’t Gonna Lose” is a film about a boy who is highly allergic to eggs who is getting treatment for his allergies, but he still has to face the struggles of his everyday life trying to avoid products that has eggs in it. Watching this film, I felt very sympathetic to children who have these allergies as well to the parents who are constantly looking out for their children as well what they go through every time when their children have an allergic reaction. I can’t imagine what it is like in reality, especially for a parent. Understanding that this film topic is based on an everyday basis that is not mentioned too much today, it is still nostalgic to see something that we know of, but in a different limelight, especially through animation. This animation is a real perspective that is both realistic, but interpreted through children in which can be relatable to children who do have these allergies as well to all ages.

Looking at the animation aesthetically, regarding the art style, it is similar to Ghibli's art style, but a twist within the film that is demonstrated through color. The color scheme of the short film uses warm pastel colors, giving the audience of the effect of soothing, and soft. The producers did the pastel color scheme on purpose since the film’s target audience are children and family members. One scene within the film that I really admired, was when the main character “Shun” was having an allergic reaction. Within that particular scene, we are then in Shun’s perspective in which the aesthetic of the film becomes darker with the use of grays, blacks, and fragments of the pastel colors. Within that particular scene, the aesthetic of the coloring is as if someone actually colored the animation by hand. This is symbolic piece for it is a moment as if the child is speaking to the audience rather than the animation telling the story. This gives the illusion that Shun is going through an almost deathlike moment in which it is only a matter of time in which those pastel colors will disappear to blackness. Overall, “Life Ain’t Gonna Lose” is a film that is not only family friendly to children, but is a struggle in life to those who have high allergic reactions to certain foods, in which we can learn what the consequences are when eating those foods as well not to let those foods get in the way of one’s life. Live life at the fullest is the key element about this film, in which we can all learn about. Despite the hardships of each of our individual lives, it is important to keep going. Don’t let you’re your weakness be the only focus of your life, but the people around you and your goals. Thus the title, "Life Ain't Gonna Lose". It is a film that will make you happy, shocked, and relieved. Highly suggest watching this film to others.